मंडळ नव्हे कुटुंब !

मंडळ नव्हे कुटुंब !



Gauri Pawar and Shibani Sapre welcome you to Katta! 
Bringing back those carefree “vada pav and chaha” evenings where wisdom , tips and life’s overwhelming questions were answered by your gang spontaneously and unabashedly; one topic at a time!  Our Katta (कट्टा) sessions cover a range of topics from financial literacy and independence to real estate to food and nutrition to raising children and their education to community engagement and volunteering. Katta operates on the principle that each of us bring a diverse range of expertise and experience to the A2MM community and the community benefits as a whole when we share that wealth of knowledge with each other. 

Here’s a glimpse of some of our past sessions: 

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