मंडळ नव्हे कुटुंब !

मंडळ नव्हे कुटुंब !

Karaoke Club


Welcome, fellow bathroom vocalists, professional yodelers, and opera singers – plus everyone in between!
Ready to rock the mic? The only thing better than the singing is the laughter that follows.  (Off-key notes and surprise talents, we welcome one and all). Just kidding… or maybe not! A2MM Karaoke Club is a forum for you to flex your singing muscles and vocal chords in a friendly, welcoming environment. Our karaoke club leads are Atul Chavan and Suraj Naikwade

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. ⁠One Karaoke Night a Month: The Karaoke Club meets once a month – typically on a weekend.  
  2. ⁠Hosts Take Turns: Karaoke Club members take turns signing up to play the role of the Host — which is to open up their warm abodes to host the karaoke night in their basement, their living room, or even their bathroom (go ahead, we dare you!) You don’t need to have any equipment — we bring it all to you. 
  3. Membership Fees: In order to cover the costs of equipment upkeep and maintenance, we charge a nominal fee of USD 20 per year — yes, that’s three Starbucks Venti lattes or two cartons of eggs — for a fun-filled 10-12 karaoke nights! Who can beat that? 
  4. Whine and Dine: Yes, our Karaoke events also have food arrangements made for. The hosts worked with the Karaoke Club leads to arrange for pot-luck food or catered food for the guests — and any costs (especially for catered food) are split amongst the attending families. 

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